The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point however, is to change it.
Marx, K. (1845) 'Theses On Feuerbach.
Unification of thought and action- political praxis.
Political manifesto that outlined what was thought as a better way of running society. Describes how labourors, bosses etc, there will always be friction. Also a philosophical method/psycho analysis. Philosophy that is realised thorugh a political revolution- definition of praxis.
The society that we live in (in the West). It is a society where control of means of production (a few individuals make lots of money and everyone else works for them making them their money) is run by few. Based on individualism. Makes us compete, from the early days of schooling this is forced on you. You are encouraged to try better than everyone else, do better.
...Communist Evolution,
Early stages of society- Primitive Communism- everything was shared, social and sexual freedom.
Accidental heirarchys would emerge:
Slave society-
Feudalism- Aristocracy becomes ruling class. -merchants develop into capitalists.
Capitalism- Ruling class- create and employ real working classes. The workers make the money for the capitalists.
Marx Concept of Base/ Superstructure
At any given moment society will have certain tools/technology etc, and people will end up in some kind of production. As an employer/employee/female/black etc. Work around forces of production. Everything is a result of the forces of production.
Everything can be traced back to issues of class/gender politics/ racial politics.
Relations of production, produce various outcomes in society.
Dialectical process. One thing producing its opposite, then the other thing strengthening the initial thing.
Eg. Education.
Base- Bosses and workers. -boss telling worker what to do.
Because we have been told what to do from a small age by someone- i.e, teacher and pupils.
Now in jobs we feel it is acceptable to be told what to do by our bosses, because there has always been that authorative figure in life. -superstructure.
Last sentence of quote on 4th slide?
create a pyramid for current time.
Much more effective to control the way people think, i.e. newspapers/ tabloids etc.
Marxist reading of religion teaches us that if we're good and honourable in life then when you die you wil be rewarded in heaven. Heavy form on mental control.
You can have an ideology, i.e. christianity, political party etc.
'False consciousness'. We don't understand the true nature of society and are exploited.
Art as ideology.
Classical art- the only people who were allowed to produce art were the people who could afford lessons, equipment etc. White rich men making art. Kings and Queens buy the art. They decide what is to be created. Very internal. Reflecting the way a certain ruling class thinks.
Art made to train people to think in a certain way. Art has always been ideological.
Society= Economic, Political and Ideological.
Ideology becomes not just propaganda, but a mechanism that controls our lives. Offers reasons for why we are in our situation. e.g.naked women in art- reasons- that's ok because the female figure is more beautiful to draw/ look at. BULL.
Media- Ideological state of apparatus:
Means of production.
All of the media is controlled by few superrich.
Perpetuation of false consciousness.
The Sun:
1997-new labour, the sun controversy.
The times: sophisticated.
Daily star- work on the presumption that working class enjoy big brother and football. They could not like it, however, it is forced upon them. A self fulfilling prophecy.
anyone that challenges. just a judgement on front page. no mention of political reason.
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