Sunday, 20 March 2011


Within postmodernism there are no 'truly original ideas'.  The idea of postmodernism was to fight against the elistist view of modernism by combining popular culture with high culture- this meant that multiple styles and theories were linked together.  Unlike modernism, where people had a definite set of rules to design by, postmodernism held too much choice- often direction is lacking, however, a positive aspect of postmodernist design is that a collaboration of two styles can take place, highlighting something people hadn't before noticed.
Postmodernist design re-uses images/ imagery to create irony in a paradoxical sense.

Modernism removes humanity, personality and originality.  the main themes of modernism are characterised by experimental, purity, innovative, original, individual, serious.  Whereas the main themes of postmodernism are characterised by: exhaustion, pluralism, pessism, irony, dissillusionment, and the idea of absolute knowledge.
The two are not opposites, they are interrelated.  Postmodernism merely plays off the 'negative' aspects of modernism.

The film 'Blade Runner' is a prime example of postmodernism- a confusing array of styles and more deeply, ideals.  The film splices new genres, which in turn creates new ones.
Postmodernism is not all about negativity.  It is one of the few movements/ ideals that has such a lack of rules which recognises and celebrates the fact that everyone is different and so design should try to do this.  One thing that comes from this however, is an overwhelming amount of choice, and almost confusion not only with designs, but also within people's mental states.  Too much choice can confuse people as to who they are.

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